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Duplicator Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Duplicator

Import » Step 1


The Import Step 1 screen has two areas:

  • Upload Area: The top half controls the options and actions around the upload of the file.
  • Archive Area: The bottom half shows the archives that have been successfully uploaded.

Upload Area

Section Notes
Options In the upper right corner is a hamburger menu option that lets you control the view of the import screen. The following optionsare available

  • View-Advanced: This default view allows users to see and upload multiple packages at once.
  • View-Basic: This view only allows one upload and will only show the last uploaded archive file.
  • Settings: This option takes users to the Settings > Import Tab, where they can adjust the settings shown below.
Chunk Size This setting controls how fast the server will upload a given archive file. On some hosts you can use the fastest settings on others it may need to be adjusted.Connections size are from slowest to fastest. If you have issue uploading a package start with a lower size. Upload speeds can be affected by various server connectionsand setups. Additionally, chunk size can influence the upload speed [Settings > Import]. If changing the chunk size is still slow, try uploading the archive manuallywith these steps:

  1. Cancel current upload
  2. Manually upload archive to: /wp-content/backups-dup-pro/imports/
  3. Refresh the Import screen
Max Size This determines the maximum file size that can be uploaded. For more details on how your hosts server handles this setting please contact your host and alsorefer to the PHP online documentation.
Import File The import file tab which contains the area titled “Drag & Drop Archive File Here” is the location were you can upload a Duplicator file to the current WordPresshost/server. Users can simply drag-n-drop the archive file or select the upload button to add the archive file.
Import Link The import link tab which contains the area titled “Import from Link” is the location were you can upload a Duplicator file to the current WordPresshost/server from a URL. Users can simply add the location of the archive file URL and click the Upload button to import the archive file.

Archive Area

Item Notes
Archives List all the archive files that have been uploaded to the current WordPress site.
Size The file size of the archive file that has been uploaded.
Created That data/time in which the archive was uploaded.
  • Details: Show the various details of the archive such as its setup (url, path), versions, file details, database details.
  • Remove: Clicking the remove button will remove the archive file.
  • Continue Continue with step 2 of the import process, which validates if you have a valid recovery point.

If a package is not properly configured with a valid WordPress site including all theCore WordPress Files anddatabase tables then an import will not be allowed.Note: In addition to all the core WordPress tables an import requires that all tables in you site be included as well. In future versions this requirement will be lessstrict and only rely on the core tables.
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