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developer tools

Beyond FileZilla: Discovering the Best FTP Clients for WordPress

Beyond FileZilla: Discovering the Best FTP Clients for WordPress

Do you need to upload, download, or edit your site files? We'll show you the best FTP clients for WordPress…
The Art of the Swap: Creative Uses for WordPress Search and Replace

The Art of the Swap: Creative Uses for WordPress Search and Replace

At some point, you'll need to change something across your entire WordPress site. That's what search and replace is for!…
Mastering WordPress Debugging: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

Mastering WordPress Debugging: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

Are you having trouble fixing an error on your website? We'll show you everything you need to know about WordPress…
Code Smarter, Not Harder: WordPress Developer Tools For Every Pro

Code Smarter, Not Harder: WordPress Developer Tools For Every Pro

Do you need a tool to improve your code, increase productivity, or better talk to your clients? We'll recommend the…