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Packages » Installer Branding


The Settings > Packages > Installer Branding is available in Freelancer/Business/Gold licenses. This feature allows users to add customized branding to the installer.For example, when enabled a user that browses to the installermight see “My Customer Installer” with a custom logo of the personalized installer vs the default “Duplicator Pro” text and logo.

The branding feature is useful for content creators who want to create their own custom configured WordPress site and “Brand” it with their own look and feel.The interface consists of two screens.

Brand Lists Screen:

The brand lists screen shows a list of all possible branding options. Users can create as many brand variations as they like. Only one active brand can be enabled at a time.The brand that is active during a package creation is the one that will be used at install time.

Brand Details Screen:

Item Notes
Name The name is a short descriptor that is used on the brand lists screen to quickly identify the branded installer.
Notes The notes is an optional long descriptor that is used to provide full details about the intent/use of the particular brand.
Logo This is where all the customization happens. Users are given a preview area and an active html editable area where they can uploada logo/image and customize the details of the title. Users can optionally replace the “Duplicator Pro” text and logo with theirown customized layout.
Active When checked this will be the active logo that will be used when the installer is built. The default brand is simply what comes out of the boxwith Duplicator Pro, which includes that bolt icon with the title “Duplicator Pro”.

Step By Step:

  1. Goto Duplicator Pro > Settings > Packages Tab > Installer Branding > Add New
  2. Fill in the Brand details and customize the look and feel
  3. Check the Active check-box and click save
  4. Build a package and download the installer/archive files to a location where the package can be installed.
  5. In a web browser browse to the newly created installer.php file and observe the newly branded installer.
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