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How to resolve license activation issues

Experiencing license activation issues with Duplicator Pro? This guide will help you resolve these issues quickly and efficiently, ensuring you can access all the Pro features.

Common Causes of License Activation Issues

Before diving into the solutions, it’s helpful to understand what might cause license activation issues:

  • Incorrect license key
  • Poor internet connection
  • Server incompatibilities
  • Outdated Duplicator Pro version

Locating and Activating Your License

You will receive an email with your license key when you purchase Duplicator Pro. If you don’t see the email, check your spam folder.

You can also find your license key in your Duplicator account. You can check this guide on verifying the license.

Troubleshooting License Activation Issues

Solution 1: Validate Your License

  1. Log in to your Duplicator account and check your license key and license count.
  2. If your license is expired, renew it. For manual renewal, reach out to our support.
  3. If you’ve reached the maximum site limit of licenses, you can deactivate a website that is not in use or upgrade your license.

Solution 2: Check Server Connection

  1. Ensure your server can connect to Cache plugins or web server caches might cause issues.
  2. Try deactivating and reactivating your license a few times, waiting a minute or two between tries.
  3. Deactivate and reactivate the plugin from the WordPress admin plugins screen, then try activating the license again.

Solution 3: Enable cURL

Duplicator Pro uses the PHP cURL library to communicate with Make sure cURL is enabled on your server:

For Apache:

  1. Open the php.ini file, usually in the server’s root or public_html folder.
  2. Find ;extension=php_curl.dll and remove the semi-colon ; to enable it.
  3. Save the file and restart Apache.


  1. Left-click the WAMP server icon in the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Go to PHP » PHP Extensions » curl.

For Ubuntu:

  1. Install PHP cURL: sudo apt install curl
    Ensure you install a compatible cURL package with the running PHP version, or consult your hosting provider/ server administrator to install it for you.
  2. Restart Apache: sudo service apache2 restart.

For WHM using EasyApache:

  1. Log in to WHM as the ‘root’ user.
  2. Go to Software » EasyApache.
  3. Select a build option and start customizing based on the profile.
  4. Select the version of Apache and PHP.
  5. Find and select cURL in the Exhaustive Options List.
  6. Save and build.

Solution 4: Check Networking Issues

  1. Ensure your host’s servers can reach
  2. Ask your host to monitor the license activation process to ensure communication isn’t blocked.
  3. Gather IP addresses from WordPress Admin » Duplicator Pro » Tools » General Tab » Server Settings: “Server IP”, “Outbound IP”, “Client IP”.
  4. If any IPs are blank, contact your host or system administrator.

Submit a support ticket with your hosting and share these IPs to check if they are blocked on

By following these steps, you can resolve most license activation issues in Duplicator Pro, ensuring you have access to all the Pro features. If you encounter persistent issues, don’t hesitate to contact Duplicator support.

What if I can’t find my license key?
Log in to your Duplicator account and navigate to the “Licenses” section. If needed, use the “Recover Password” link.
How do I enable cURL on my server?
Follow the steps in Solution 3 based on your server setup (Apache, WAMP, Ubuntu, WHM).
Can I use my license on multiple sites?
Check your license type in your Duplicator account for details on allowed activations.
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