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Extracting .daf file with DupArchive Extractor

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to extract .daf files using the DupArchive Extractor on macOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems. Whether you are a first-time user or an experienced professional, these instructions will help you efficiently manage your .daf files.

Downloading the DupArchive Extractor

First, download the DupArchive Extractor for your operating system from the following links:

Preparing the Extraction Environment

After downloading, save the DupArchive Extractor in the same location as your downloaded .daf file. It is recommended to create a new folder and place both the downloaded file and the .daf file in this folder for easier access.

Extracting .daf Files on macOS

Step 1: Open Terminal: Press Command + Space, type “Terminal”, and open it.

Step 2: Navigate to the Folder that you have created:

cd ~/Downloads/FolderName

Step 3: Grant Execution Rights:

chmod +x DupArchiveExtract

Step 4: Run the Extractor:


Extracting .daf Files on Linux

Step 1: Open Terminal: Access your terminal through your preferred method.

Step 2: Navigate to the Folder:

cd ~/Downloads/FolderName

Step 3: Grant Execution Rights:

chmod +x DupArchiveExtract

Step 4: Run the Extractor:


Extracting .daf Files on Windows

Step 1: Open DupArchive Extractor: Navigate to the folder where you saved DupArchiveExtract.exe and double-click to open it.

Step 2: Start the Extraction: The application will automatically start extracting the .daf file.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a .daf file?
A .daf file is a compressed archive created by the Duplicator plugin to handle site backups and migrations.
Can I extract multiple .daf files at once?
Currently, you need to extract each .daf file individually using the DupArchive Extractor.
What should I do if the extraction process fails?
Ensure that the DupArchive Extractor is correctly downloaded and that you have sufficient permissions and storage space on your machine. If issues persist, contact support.
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