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Duplicator Documentation

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Packages » Step By Step


This section will walk you through creating a package step-by-step. In these steps we will try to cover some general scenarios that may apply to your setup as well.If they don’t feel free just skip the step.

Start: Goto Duplicator Pro > Packages > click the ‘Create New’ button in the upper right corner.

STEP 1 – Setup:

  1. Give the package a name
    Click the Notes button to add notes (optional).
  2. Open the ‘Storage’ section and choose a storage location
  3. Edit how the archive file will be created and its contents (optional).
    Optional: Open the ‘Archive’ section and check the ‘Enable File Filters’ checkbox
    • Add to the ‘File Extensions’ input the value log this will exclude all log files with a log extention
    • Add to the ‘Files’ input the value error_log this will exclude all files named error_log
    • Add any additional files to exclude and be sure to enter the full path of the file such as //public_html/

  4. Edit the installer inputs. These values will be shown at install time in the installer inputs (optional).
  5. Click the Next Button & let the scanner run.

STEP 2 – Scan:
When the scan is completed check the statuses to make sure they are flagged as Good’. If any status show a Notice’ then its still OK to continue with the build, but you will need to observethe message in the event the build runs into issues. Expanding each section shows more details about how to get the ‘Notice’ status to go away. After checkingthe scan you can then click the ‘Build’ button.

STEP 3 – Build:
When the package starts building you will be taken to the Packages screen were a progress indicator will run until the package is complete. Once the packagehas completed building you can download or transfer the files or just leave them for later use.


Create Package – Quick Steps

Click to Load Video

This quick overview video will quickly walk you through the process of creating a package file.
Create Package – In Depth

Click to Load Video

This detailed in-depth video will cover all aspects of the package creation process.
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