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How to fix various permission related issues?

Issue AWordPress FTP
How can I resolve WordPress asking for FTP credentials message?

Solution 1Edit wp-config.php:

  1. Open the sites wp-config.php file with a text editor.
  2. Add the following to the file

Solution 2Reference Article: See the following reference article.

Issue Bopen_basedir
How to fix PHP Open Base Dir or “open_basedir restriction in effect”?

Solution 1The php.ini setting open_basedir limits file access for PHP scripts to designated directories.A limited number of hosting providers feel that without this setting your site is less secure, while this can easily be disputed it’s still a fact that some hosts will not disable it.Below are two options that you can work with your hosting provider on to get around this security setup configuration:

  1. Disable: Work with your host to see if they can disable or temporarily disable this option on your account, to see if itsconflicting with Duplicator.
  2. Configure: Work with your host to add all the ‘concerned folder path’ where open_basedir is restricting access this should include all filesand the root folder where your WordPress install is located; for example:
    open_basedir = /public_html/mysite/

The package process may still work if this check fails, however because this setting tends to introduce other possible side effects it’s desired to have it disabled.

Also See:
How can I configure PHP open_basedir?
How can I relax PHP’s open_basedir restriction?

Issue CInstaller Password
How to recover the installer password if lost?

The following password types are available in Duplicator

  • Installer password:The archive is NOT encrypted. When the installer starts, it will prompt for a password to prevent anyone from running the installer.
  • Archive encryption:ProThe archive IS encrypted with a password, and the installer will ask for a password when started. This option is the recommended maximum level of security.

Solution 1Archive Encryption
Passwords are case-sensitive and if lost cannot be recovered with Archive encryption. Please keep passwords in a safe place!If this password is lost then a new archive file will need to be created. Support cannot help recover a lost archive encrypted password.

Solution 2Installer Password

  • When creating a package, users have the option to set a password on the installer. This password can be easily recovered by just going to Duplicator > Packages > click thepackage details button > Installer Section and look for ‘Password Protection’ label.
  • In the event you no longer have the package details and you forgot your password below are the manual steps to override the installer password.
    1. Browse to installer file via a web browser. The password screen will show.
    2. On remote server > Open FTP connection to location of installer file, for localhost open a file browser.
    3. Navigate to the following file: \dup-installer\classes\class.password.php
    4. Edit the function CheckPassword andReplace: return $hash === $stored_hash;
      With: return true;
      Need a little help? Check out our Partners at Codeable
    5. On the installer password screen enter anything in the password field (e.g. ‘test’) and click submit.
    6. This should place you at step 1 of the installer > Continue with installation
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