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Duplicator Documentation

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Packages » New – Step 2: Scan


The system scan step helps to ensure the build process runs smoothly. The scan step can help determine potential issues that might occur during the build phase andeven the install process. The more Warn’ checks that are found the higher the potential for running intoissues during the build and install phases. Getting all the scan checks to show Good’ will help ensure aclean build and install process, however continuing with a ‘Warn’ status is still possible.


The scan report covers server settings, archive files and database tables. Scan checks are not required to pass, however they can cause issues on some systems if they arenot addressed. If you receive a ‘Warn’ status on any of the items; then open the specific link and read the suggestions.

It is OK to try and build a package even if you have a ‘Warn’ status. If you are able to build a package with a ‘Warn’ status then you can ignore the warning. However if youhave issue during the build or install process you maywant to work with your hosting provider to try and address the warning.

The Build Mode section covers the different ways in which the files and database can be archived. The modes can be adjusted viaDuplicator Pro > Settings > Packages Tab > Database & Archive Engine

Item Description
Archive ZipArchive:This setting uses core PHP code to zip up all of the requested files.While this setting is much more common place on most hosting providersit can be more resource intensive and it some cases slower than shell_exec.

Shell_exec: This setting is recommend if your server supports the setting.Shell_exec uses PHP to call out to your server system zip command which can be faster and less resource intensive on some servers.

Database PHP:This setting uses core PHP code to build the database script.While this setting is supported on all servers it is more resource intensive and it some cases slower than mysqldump.

Mysqldump:This setting is recommend if your server supports the setting.mysqldump uses PHP to call out to your server system mysqldump command which is faster and less resource intensive.

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