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Duplicator Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Duplicator

the build process completes

How to resolve schedule build failures?

Issue AWhy did my scheduled build get canceled yet manual builds work fine? Overview Scheduled builds getting canceled when manual...

Ensure Your Scheduled Build Runs On Time

The plugin operates like WordPress’ standard cron scheduling, needing a visitor to trigger an action. If there are no visitors...

How to resolve package file download issues / 404.3 / corrupted files?

Issue APackage DownloadsHow to resolve package files (archive or installer) that will not download or show errors? Solution 1 URL...

If the package build is slow, how can I speed it up?

There are several common reasons for a slow build: Unnecessarily Files: Look for large file warnings during the scan report...

How to resolve “Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded” issues?

ProblemWhen creating a package or exporting plugin settings the results of malformed utf-8 characters notice is present. Option 1Package Creation:To...