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Duplicator Documentation

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Tools » General » Information


The diagnostics tab contains various sections that allow you to evaluate your servers setup. The various sections are each described below.

Stored Data:

This section allows users to delete all reserved installation files after a fresh install has taken place. You can also clean up various build and Duplicator cache files. All options that are stored in the WordPress options table pertaining to Duplicator Pro are visible, with some having the ability to be reset.

Server Settings:

This section contains various server settings that can be beneficial should you run into issues using the plugin. The settings are all organized into various categories. The section PHP is also a large sub-set of information produced by the phpinfo function.

Scan Validator:

This utility will help to find unreadable files and sys-links in your environment that can lead to issues during the scan process. It will also show how many files and directories you have in your system. This process may take several minutes to run. If there is a recursive loop on your system, then the process has a built-in checkto stop after a large set of files and directories have been scanned. A message will indicate that a scan depth has been reached.

PHP Information:

Within this section, you will find details pertaining to the installed PHP version on the server.

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