Issue A On install/update of plugin this message shows:
“Uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini”
Solution 1Install the Upload Larger Plugins plugin and activate that first. Afterward, upload the Duplicator Pro plugin. In some cases this plugin may not work and return and error such as Error: the server sent us a response (JSON) which we did not understand. In these cases please see the other solutions.
Solution 2
- Change the file upload limit to 5MB or greater, by following these instructions.
- Restart your web server for the changes to take place
- To make sure the value has been updated and taken affect follow these steps:
- Install the PHP Info plugin and activate.
- Go to Settings > PHP Info and then search for “upload_max_filesize”
- Check to make sure the value is set to 8M
- Alternatively: Contact your host and ask them to: “Change the php.ini setting for upload_max_filesize to 5MB”
Solution 3If #1 doesn’t work and your host won’t do #2 (which is very uncommon) perform the following:
b) FTP the duplicator-pro directory on your local machine to /wp-content/plugins/duplicator-pro
c) At that point the plugin will show up in your plugins list and you can activate from there.
Issue B On install/update of plugin this message shows:
PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Solution 1This error can pop up when PHP does not have the cURL module installed. Enabling the module could be as simple as editing your php.ini file or it may be more involved. Talk to your host if you are unsure.
Solution 2If Solution 1 didn’t help, then manually install the new version of the plugin by doing the following:
- Download the latest version of the plugin from
- On Plugins screen > disable and delete the old version of Duplicator Pro
- On Plugins screen > click ‘Add New’ and upload the new version of Duplicator Pro & activate
Issue COn install/update of plugin this message shows:
“Unauthorized Access” -OR- the “Add New” button is not showing in the plugins screen.
Solution 1An unauthorized error normally means the your license has not been activated or has expired. Do the following:
- Go to Settings > Licensing
- Add your license key in the box
- Click the Activate button
- Go to the Plugins screen and update the plugin
Solution 2If you are unable to add/edit a plugin check your wp-config.php file and comment out or remove these lines:define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true);
Issue DOn install/update of plugin this message shows:
The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads.
Solution 1Disable FTP Components in wp-config. For a full rundown of this process seethis link.
Solution 2Change your systems permissions to fix the issue.
Note: This option is a bit technical so contact your host if you don’t want to mess with it.
Issue EHow to manually update the plugin?
The change-log shows a new version, but the WordPress Admin shows no update notice.
Solution 1Normally the notification should show on your plugins page like other plugins. If you aren’t seeing that you can upgrade manually by doing the following:
- Download the latest version of the plugin from
- On your WordPress admin, go to Duplicator Pro > Settings and make sure the uninstall options “Delete plugin settings” and “Delete entire storage directory” are UNCHECKED
- Go to your website’s plugin list & Disable and then delete the old version of Duplicator Pro
- On the plugins screen, click Add New and upload the new version of Duplicator Pro and Activate
Issue FFor issues involving path length restrictions on Windows consider the following options.
Option 1
- Download the latest version of Duplicator Pro from the Duplicator Account
- On your WordPress Admin, go to Duplicator Pro > Settings
- Ensure “Delete Plugin Settings” and “Delete Entire Storage Directory” are both unchecked
- Uninstall the old version of Duplicator Pro
- On the plugins screen, click Add New and upload the new version of Duplicator Pro
- Activate the new version