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Storing Your Backup to Local Server

The local server storage option in Duplicator Lite allows you to store the installer/archive backup at any physical path on your server that PHP can access. In Duplicator Lite, backup is initially stored in the wp-snapshots folder located at the root of your WordPress site.

However, with the Pro version, you have the flexibility to designate a specific path for storing backup data. If no custom path is specified, the data will be stored in a default location within the “wp-content” directory. This option is useful if you need or prefer to define the storage path for your backup.

Storing Backup to Local Server

Begin with creating a new storage provider. Navigate to Duplicator Pro » Storage » and click on Add New:

Then, name the new storage location. Using the Type dropdown menu, choose Local:

Provide the full path on your local server to where you would like to storage your backup. Leave the Filter Protection check-box checked. You can also enter the number of backups you want to persist for this storage location.

Where to store on the server hosting this site.
The folder can be either a child of the home directory (/home/uxxxx/domains/ or be outside it as well..

On Linux servers start with ‘/’ (e.g. /mypath).
On Windows use drive letters (e.g. E:/mypath).

If you are unsure of the path, contact your hosting provider.
Note: This will not store to your local computer unless that is where this web-site is hosted.

More Details on Settings

Storage FolderNot all server paths are supported on the local server as they can conflict with existing WordPress core functionality or other themes and plugins. Below is a list of paths that can not be used as a backup path.
Locations that are not allowed
Directly to the site WordPress root
An already existing ‘Local Server’ path
An already existing folder in wp-content (must delete first)
Text not allowed in storage folder input
Filter ProtectionWhen checked this will exclude the ‘Storage Folder’ provided directly above and all of its content and sub-foldersfrom being included in a backup build. This setting is highly recommended and failure to check this option can lead to build failures.
Max BackupsSpecify the number of backups to keep in ‘Storage Folder’. Setting 10 will keep the last 10 backups. Set to 0 for no limit. It is recommendedto keep this number low. Storing too many backups can lead to space allocation issues, especially if your limited for disk space.
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