Issue ABlank Screen with Date/Time
How to fix the installer when it shows an empty/blank page with a date/time at the top?
Issue BPHP Version Changes
Why does the PHP version change after clicking next on step 1?
How to fix the installer when it shows an empty/blank page with a date/time at the top?
Option 1Wordfence
This behavior is often related to the Wordfence plugin in either the current site or a site above the site being installing to. For example if installingto /public_html/mysite and WordFence is installed on another WordPress site at /public_html then the location of either plugin can cause issues.
This behavior is often related to the Wordfence plugin in either the current site or a site above the site being installing to. For example if installingto /public_html/mysite and WordFence is installed on another WordPress site at /public_html then the location of either plugin can cause issues.
To Resolve:
- While you install, temporarily disable WordFence. Additionally you may also need to temporarily comment out the line that beginswith ‘auto_prepend_file’ in .htaccess and .user.ini files in the parent site’s directory.
- Alternatively go to your web sites control cPanel > file manage > public_html > show hidden files. Edit the user.ini file and make sure the path showsthe correct path, if it shows the path from the original account path. Once that is changed the site should work.
Issue BPHP Version Changes
Why does the PHP version change after clicking next on step 1?
Option 1During step 1 of the installer if a .htaccess file is found in the directory where the installer and archive are placed then that file will berenamed and backed up. A new .htaccess that is blank will be laid down. This behavior can be skipped by check the option to skip config file updatesunder Step 1 options section or you can follow these steps:
You can try to do this:
- Perform a manual extraction.
- Once extracted the zip make sure that the htaccess file exists with the following setting
# Use PHP7 Single php.ini as default
AddHandler application / x-httpd-php70s .php
--- - Start the installation program and in step 1 Select > Extraction: Manual Archive Extraction > Config Files: Ignore all In this way, the htaccessshould not be touched.
- At the end of the installation, check the wp-config.php and .htaccess configuration files and manually edit what is needed.