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How do I share system access for import installation issues?

For problems with “Importing” a backup follow these instructions:
1. “Copy to Clipboard” the data in the green box below
2. Paste copied data from clipboard into the help ticket and update values in white

=========== SENSITIVE INFORMATION START ===========SOURCE:  Import Archive File
URL:  https://full_url_to_daf_or_zip_archive_file_used_for_importing
To get the URL follow these steps:
1. Login to your SOURCE WordPress Admin where the file was created.
2. Goto > Duplicator > Backup Row > Details > General > Share File Links > Copy/Paste Archive URL
Supply a link to the file to use for IMPORT.This could be a link from Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.

DESTINATION:  WordPress Admin
URL:  https://yoursite/wp-admin
USER: [wp_admin_user]
PASS: [wp_admin_password]
This is where you want the backup installed - THIS SITE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN!
DESTINATION:  FTP Server -or- Hosting Control Panel
USER: [temporary_ftp_or_cpanel_user]
PASS: [temporary_ftp_or_cpanel_password]
The FTP server where the import will run. This is optional, but recommended to recover site in the event of a critical failure.
=========== SENSITIVE INFORMATION END ===========


VERY IMPORTANT! Please read all instructions to diagnose your issue quickly.Copy and paste the text from the box above into your help ticket using the exact format.

Accounts: Create a temporary account or change the password while we diagnose your system. Do not send current password! Please test ALL usernames and passwords tohelp avoid having to resending the data.

Recommended: To skip WordPress user setup, install the pluginTemporary Login Without Password and replace the text above”WORDPRESS ADMIN (NETWORK ADMIN FOR MULTISITE)” with the URL generated by the plugin. Be sure the Role of the temporary login is “Administrator”.

<Import Install Preparations>
Please make sure these items are completed before sending your information

  1. I have tested all usernames/password and can login via FTP/Control Panel with the credentials above.
  2. I agree that I have the proper backups in place in the event issues arise with this install process.


Caution: Be advised that some database tables and files can be overwritten. The following scenarios may apply.

Import Type Data Status
Single Site Overwrite All Tables/Files Replaced
Full Multisite Overwrite All Tables/Files Replaced
Add A Multisite-Subsite New Tables/Files Added
Replace A Multisite-Subsite Subsite Tables/Files Replaced
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