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Duplicator Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Duplicator


Tools » General » Information

Overview: The diagnostics tab contains various sections that allow you to evaluate your servers setup. The various sections are each...

Tools » General » Duplicator Logs

Overview: The logging tab shows the various log files that Duplicator generates. There are currently two types of log files,...

Tools » General » PHP Logs

This section allows you to preview the server’s PHP error log file. Each record in the log file appears as...

Tools » General » Support

Within the Support tab, you’ll find two distinct areas: Knowledge Base: This section provides convenient access to the FAQ system...

Tools » Templates » All

Overview: The Templates » All screen is the main interface for managing all templates that have been created. Templates are...

Tools » Templates » Add/Edit

Overview: The Add/Edit interface allows users to add and edit existing Templates. To quickly copy an existing template, use the...

Tools » Templates » Step By Step

Create Template Start: Go to Duplicator Pro > Tools > Templates and click on the Add New button Copy From:...

Recover Your Site Using Disaster Recovery

The Disaster Recovery feature enables you to recover your website to its previous state quickly. In this section, you can...