ProblemWhen clicking the ‘Test FTP Connection’ button from plugins Storage > Mode: FTP; the response continues to produce a FTP file test failed message.
Solution 1Double check all settings and test in a client side FTP client like: Filezilla,Cyberduck, CuteFTP to make sureyou can also login from another source. If neither client or Duplicator Pro work then contact your server admin for the FTP endpoint to make sure all credentials are setup correctly. If the client side connection works see Solution 2 recommendation.
Solution 2If you are able to successfully connect to the FTP endpoint from a client side client application and the credentials match exactly those of what your using inDuplicator Pro, then a networking issue is most likely causing the issue. If possible try to create the Duplicator Pro Storage FTP item on the same computer that yourFTP client is on. This will help pin-point the issue down to a network level.
Since the hosted server your uses different firewalls/routes than your local computer it is possible that your hosted server is not able to properly connect to the FTP endpoint. If the Duplicator Pro Storage FTP works on your local computer then contactyour hosting provider and let them know their is a network level issue where their servers are unable to connect to your FTP endpoint.